How does whatsapp work and how much does it cost
How does whatsapp work and how much does it cost

For example, you have sent a quotation to your potential customer but haven’t heard from him, what do you do? You either call him or send a followup mail using formal language. This also gives an opportunity to be little informal. When we start using WhatsApp for customer communication, we noticed better response and engagement. No one appreciates phone calls from unknown numbers but we are more likely to respond to personal messages. Here is a sales tip – If you do your followups on WhatsApp instead of direct phone calls, you will get 40% more response. With WhatsApp Web, it becomes even more easier to type messages using a web browser.Ģ) Using WhatsApp For Customer Communication We have formed groups of Sales & Development team on WhatsApp and share instant messages for which an email is not necessary. Another advantage is, I don’t need to explicitly ask the team to check WhatsApp as they are anyway hooked to it. Best thing about WhatsApp is that almost everyone uses it and it does not require any training. People are reluctant to ‘learn’ new things. Whenever we tried to implement any new tool for internal communication at ProfitBooks, we got resistance from the employees. Lets look at the 5 creative ways to implement WhatsApp in your business.ġ) Using WhatsApp For Internal Team Communication

how does whatsapp work and how much does it cost how does whatsapp work and how much does it cost

The question small business owners are now asking is: How can I use WhatsApp for business?

How does whatsapp work and how much does it cost